Now: 1739685053 - February 16, 2025, 05:50:53 (GMT)
End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)

More Than Paper: Food Action Plans Inspire Change

By Keller Market | Sep 02, 2020
...Before it existed, if you wanted to get locally raised meat or produce, you’d have to wait for the weekly farmers market — if it was the right season — or seek out each farm business separately. The products were…read more
View a Virtual Tour of Keller Market

View a Virtual Tour of Keller Market

By Keller Market | Jun 06, 2020
During the 2020 pandemic, the Fairfield County Board of Developmental Disabilities Community Resources Department created a Fairfield County Virtual Community which kept connections going by sharing virtual tours of area businesses online. Keller Market was part of this season of virtual tours!…read more
Group of people holding large display check for $14,000 with ‘Kitchen Project’ in note area signed by the Wendel Family Fund.

Ace of Trades: Erin Harvey Manages Unique Business

By Keller Market | May 31, 2020
The Keller Market House at 134 S. Columbus St. is certainly a unique business. "A lot of people come for pasture-raised meats, dairy, eggs," manager Erin Harvey said. "We have a lot of bakers that bring fresh bread, cookies, scones, we…read more

Creating Community at The Keller Market House

By Keller Market | Jan 30, 2020
Keller Grocery in downtown Lancaster, Ohio bustled with activity and provisions for the growing town from just after the Civil War to the year World War I broke out. Since 1914 it has been many other businesses and even a…read more
groups of people at an outdoor farmer’s market in Lancaster, ohio
The Lancaster Farmers Market will open May 5 at a new location. It will run from 8 a.m. to noon every Saturday through Oct. 6 in the parking lot on West Chestnut Street between Broad and Columbus streets around the corner…read more