Now: 1739687234 - February 16, 2025, 06:27:14 (GMT)
End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)


Lancaster Fresh Market, Inc.
The concept for the Keller Market House began with Fairfield Growing: An Agricultural Economic Development Plan (May 2011) initiated by the Fairfield County Regional Planning Commission and conducted by interns from The Ohio State University City and Regional Planning Program.  The results of the study found that:

  • 82% of respondents cited “freshness” as the most critical driver in purchasing food
  • Over 50% of those surveyed cited “convenience” as the main barrier for purchasing local foods
  • 90% stated they are “somewhat interested to extremely interested” in a local food hub

These results led to the establishment of the Fairfield County Local Food Council which then pursued the promotion of sustainable economic development that improves the availability of local foods in the county and searched for an appropriate venue.  In pursuit of that goal, an Ohio not-for-profit corporation, Lancaster Fresh Market, Inc. was formed in May 2015.  Title to the property at 130-134 South Columbus Street was acquired on July 1, 2015, by LFM for $1 through the Fairfield County Land Bank’s re-purposing program.  The building was brought up to code by many volunteer and corporate in-kind donations.

The Market is housed on the ground floor of a building featuring hardwood floors, original pressed tin ceiling, modern restrooms, and a stage.  The Market operates under the name Keller Market House in honor of the Keller Grocery Store that was housed in the building from 1867 to 1914.