Now: 1739683996 - February 16, 2025, 05:33:16 (GMT)
End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was drafted on September 28, 2021 and is subject to revision as needed.


When you visit our website,, there is certain data we collect if you initiate communication through forms posted on the website.  We may also collect certain anonymized information through use of Google Analytics in order to better understand the interests and needs of our website guests.

If you have objection to anonymized collection of any of the following data associated with your visit, we respectfully request you terminate use of our website at this time:

  • IP Address
  • Geographic Location
  • Device Type (mobile vs. desktop)
  • Referral Sources (where you arrived from)
  • Frequency of Visitation
  • Duration of Visit
  • Pages Viewed

If you choose to communicate with us through our Contact or other forms, we will collect and require the following information in order to complete your communication request:

  • Full Name
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Comments or Questions you provide by completing the form

Additional information we may collect is wholly voluntary and does not commit us to any business relationship with you nor you with Lancaster Fresh, LLC, Keller Market House or The Lancaster Farmer’s Market.


Individuals who have subscribed to the Keller Market House | Lancaster Farmer’s Market email list may unsubscribe at any time. No individual is subscribed to the email list without consent. Information collected through e-mail list subscription is used for the sole purpose of delivering email communications to subscribed recipients.


From time to time, Lancaster Fresh, LLC, Keller Market House and/0r The Lancaster Farmer’s Market may conduct contests on its website and social media channels with an opportunity to win prizes. Information gathered through contest forms is not used in any way other than to facilitate the operation of the specific contest.

  • Identifiable information obtained through contest entries is limited only to that which is necessary for validating contest eligibility, contacting winners, and to facilitate the delivery of prizes. Information obtained through contests is not used for any other purpose, nor is it transferred to any other organization or individual for any purpose.
  • Should a third-party sponsor be involved in a contest, entrants may be presented the option to opt-in or subscribe to future contact from that third-party.  These opt-in subscriptions are between the entrant and the third-party.
  • Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to participate in online contests without a statement of approval by a parent or guardian.
  • Children under the age of 18 who win a prize in a contest, will have their prize delivered in their name, to the care of their parent or guardian who gave approval for the contest entry.
  • Parents may exclude their children from participating in online contests.


We do not share any anonymized data collected from our website visitors with any third parties.

We do not employ retargeting advertisements or other tracking mechanisms requiring cookies.

Our use of anonymized website analytics data is purely to understand the origination and visit behaviors of our website traffic in aggregate. We review this data to improve our visitors’ website experiences through revisions to design and content.

Materials uploaded by visitors who initiate and complete the upload are assumed to be free of any copyright restriction and available for use without compensation by Lancaster Fresh, LLC, Keller Market House and/or The Lancaster Farmer’s Market.

Our website data stores hold all forms data collected for a period of up to 180 days.

We remove all forms data collected in the previous 180 days no later than the fifth day of January and July.

Once uploaded to our website data stores, materials become property of Lancaster Fresh, LLC, Keller Market House and The Lancaster Farmer’s Market. These materials may also be stored in our company computers. Request for return of uploaded materials, and the internal destruction of any copies of that data, may be made in writing by sending email through our contact form.

This website does not conduct any e-commerce or collection of data related to commercial activities but affiliated e-commerce platforms we connect to may engage in data collection.  If privacy and data collection is important to you, we encourage you to review the Privacy Policy of any website you visit by following a link from the website.

This website does not have social or community functions requiring a membership account.

We take all reasonable precautions to keep our website and its data stores free from unauthorized access. We rely upon our hosting company,, to responsibly manage the security of their server networks when providing us hosting service for our website.


We welcome your questions and suggestions regarding the maintenance of visitor privacy on our website. If you have questions or suggestions, please submit them in writing to:

Keller Market House Board
The Keller Market House
134 S. Columbus Street
Lancaster, OH  43130