Now: 1734779744 - December 21, 2024, 11:15:44 (GMT)
End: 1733090400 - December 01, 2024, 22:00:00 (GMT)

Online Shopping

It’s Easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

  1. Browse the special offerings from our local vendors, paying careful attention to order deadlines and pick up dates.
  2. Pick up your order in downtown Lancaster at the Keller Market House on your selected pick up day.
  3.  Enjoy and share delicious food produced by Ohio farmers and artisans!



Frequently Asked Questions

When can I order?
We are currently focused on holiday and special offerings. Keep an eye out for special ordering opportunities, deadlines and pick ups! Ordering is now open for Halloween. Thanksgiving and Christmas ordering are coming soon!

How can I quickly find a product I’m looking for?
You can sort products in a few ways. You can choose from product Categories, product Tags, or specific Vendors. On a desktop, these filters will appear on the left side of your screen. On mobile, choose the “Filter” button at the top right.  Or use the “Search” field at the top of the page to enter a specific product or keyword.

The online storefront looks different. Can I still use my old log in?
Yes! While we have updated to an improved and more user friendly version of Local Line, the log in info you used before should still work. You now also have the option to checkout as a Guest, without creating an account.

What are my payment options?
All our online store offerings are pre-paid by credit card.

Can I use SNAP or Produce Perks to purchase items in the online store?
Sorry, we are not able to process SNAP or Produce Perks transactions online at this time. You are welcome to call us to place a phone order. We’ll hold your groceries and you can pay with SNAP when you pick up.

Is Curbside Pick-Up available?
Yes! Pull up in front of the store on Columbus Street and call (740) 277-6305 to let us know you’re here.  We’ll run your order out to you!

Is Delivery or Shipping available?
Sorry, we do not offer order delivery or shipping services at this time. If you’d like to send a delivery person or helper to pick-up your order, that is completely fine. We recommend adding a note to your order or call us at (740) 277-6305 to alert us that someone will pick up your order for you.

Need assistance?  Please email us at or call us during business hours at (740) 277-6305 – we’re happy to help!