Now: 1739681169 - February 16, 2025, 04:46:09 (GMT)
End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)

Hugus Fruit Farm

Three Hugus generations have grown an orchard on the hills where local lore has it that Johnny Appleseed visited Sarah Sain and her children who lived on this farm before us.

The first Hugus generation plowed contour ridges to reclaim the eroded hillsides where they planted fruit trees.  The second Hugus generation added a cider press and delivery to local stores.  The third Hugus generation now grows 30-acres of various tree fruits and presses cider for themselves as well as custom pressing for others.

You can find Hugus apples, Asian pears, peaches, and plums when they are in season inside Keller Market House.  Fresh pressed cider is delivered weekly in the fall and winter.

If you have a bee swarm and live within about 30 miles of Hugus Fruit Farm, please call us 740-536-9590.  We may be able to get come get the bees and give them a new hive home in our orchard.

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