Now: 1739681999 - February 16, 2025, 04:59:59 (GMT)
End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)

Fun Stuff

In 2021, Keller Market House celebrated its 5th anniversary and our proudest accomplishment is the community and connections we’ve built and continue to grow.

We hope you’ll join the fun by contributing your favorite recipes (hopefully made with Market ingredients from our vendors!) and photos of your friends and family enjoying what you’ve made. We welcome photo submissions of any kind – from your time here in the Market or at the Farmer’s Market to time spent at our events and classes.

Our Recipes section is NEW! Please help us build it up by contributing your recipe along with one, high-quality photo of your dish.  Photos taken with your phone are great – just be sure your setting is on best quality.  When you’re ready to submit, fill out the form and upload your photo!

We have a Photo Gallery now! And we want you to be a part of it! Upload your photo, give us a caption and we’ll add you to the fun!

Whether you contribute a recipe or a photo, you’ll be entered in our monthly drawing to win a Featured Market Product. Winners are posted to our home page each month (and we’ll let you know personally that you won)!

Thanks for being part of all the FUN STUFF!