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Let’s Preserve: Freezing

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frozen veggies on a freezer shelf in plastic bags and plastic containers, with a smiley face drawn on the frost of one container

Let’s Preserve: Freezing

July 18, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Are you planning to preserve summer produce? Join us for a series of preserving programs presented by Shannon Carter (Family and Consumer Sciences Educator) and Sandy Bohl (Instructor) with the Ohio State University Extension Fairfield County.

There is no cost for attendance, but registration is requested to reserve your space.

Please register at:

We will also host a Dehydrating Workshop on Tuesday, August 8th from 6:00 – 7:00 pm and hope to schedule another Canning Basics Workshop.

For more info, call OSU Extension at 740-653-5419.