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End: 1736204400 - January 06, 2025, 23:00:00 (GMT)

Paper Circle

Paper Circle is Southeast Ohio’s Center for Paper and Book Arts.

In 1980, Sara Gilfert accompanied her husband Jim on a three month trip to Japan, where he taught at Chubu University. There she met and was then invited to apprentice with the renowned paper artist Kazuhiko Ando. She learned the art of Japaneses hand paper making and fell in love.

In 2002, with Rural Action as a fiscal agent, Sara and her apprentices moved to Nelsonville and renovated the current 35 West Columbus Street. In 2003, Paper Circle was incorporated as non-profit arts organization with the mission of the preservation, advancement and celebration of the paper and book arts.

In 2020 during the pandemic the staff cleaned and created an fully function print making studio.

Learn about an artist who recently completed a residency at Paper Circle…